Jared Delamora

UI/UX Designer | Art Producer

The Main Menu is one of the first menu’s the player interacts with.
Every year, our goal is to try and give the player an immersive experience –
although, the challenge with the Main Menu is that your dealing with multiple top-level modes with each mode carrying a multitude of nested sub-menus.

The previous year for 2K18, the Main Menu handled this by navigating through horizontal and vertical lists. I wanted to get away from relying on the formatting of lists and instead focused on bringing forth content of each top-level menu. Also, I wanted to give the player a visual breadcrumb to help indicate where the player is located and how to navigate back.
My goal was to alleviate the player from confusion as they emerged themselves within the nested sub-menu’s. Lastly, we utilized camera movements and transitions to help steer the player through our navigation system, for example, if a player is going into a game mode, we move the camera to its respective area within the environment. If a player is entering a sub-menu, we push the camera forward (z-axis), If a player is backing out from a sub-menu, we move the camera back (-z-axis).

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