Jared Delamora
UI/UX Designer | Art Producer
2022 – REEL
The Reel includes work as a Art Producer and/or UI/UX Design for NBA2K, If(we), and SGM. Feel free to view the full shot breakdown below. Thank you.
Reel Credits
Music – Mike Shinoda “In My Head”.
Trailer Clips – NBA2K22, NBA2K21, & NBA2K20.
Special Thanks To: The VC UI team, the VC art team, the VC tech art team, and the VC front-end engineering team.
Thank you VC producer and design teams as well as 2K legal and 2K marketing teams.
All 2K, Visual Concepts, and related logos are trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.
All If(we), NOD and related logos are trademarks of If(we) inc.
All SGM, Nitro and related logos are trademarks of Second Glance Media LLC.

Shot 1
NBA2K22 – The Main Menu.
Art Producer | UI/UX:
- Communication with departments such as design, engineering, tools, and producers.
- Kept track of the features progress from start to finish.
- Created tasks, priorities, and deadlines.
- UI/UX design promotional pop-up screen.

Shot 2
NBA2K22 – Global Transition.
Art Producer:
- Scouted and onboarded outsource.
- Handled outsourcing schedules, budget, communication, and legal paperwork.
- Worked closely with UI Art Director for final product delivery.

Shot 3
NBA2K22 – City Billboard & Court Event Art.
Art Producer:
- Delivered billboard artwork, court graphics, and event logos.

Shot 4
NBA2K22 – HUD Art.
Art Producer:
- Created tasks, priorities and deadlines for the HUD Art.
- Handled communication with departments.

Shot 5
NBA2K22 – MyCareer Rewards.
Art Producer | UI/UX:
- Handled outsourcing for gamer nameplates.
- Worked closely with design producers to wireframe rewards feature.
- Helped build the UI.

Shot 6
NBA2K22 – MyPlayer Equipping Menu.
Art Producer | UI/UX:
- Worked closely with store producer to handle implementation of items.
- Assigned task, priorities, and deadlines.
- Worked with Environment art producer to handle final 3D environment.
- Helped refine the UX experience for the feature.

Shot 7
NBA2K22 – MyPlayer Animated Effects.
Art Producer:
- Handled outsource ranking iconography.
- Managed tasking and scheduling.
- Collaborated with animation producer.
- Handled tools request.

Shot 8-15
NBA2K21 – City Live Events & Branding.
Art Producer:
- Handled scouting and onboarding outsource studio for city event art.
This included logos, court art, and animation. - Communicated with outsource and kept track of task progress.
- Managed feedback communication between internal and external teams.
- Worked with event producers to discuss branding, UI, court art and live event schedules.
- Worked closely with UI lead artist, technical artist, and engineers.
- Handled overall art live – event paperwork and budget.

Shot 16-18
NBA2K21 – The W Transition.
Art Producer:
- Managed outsource task, priorities and deadlines.
- Worked closely with UI Art Director for final delivery.

Shot 19
NBA2K17 – The Draft.
- Communicated closely with designers for final content.
- Worked closely with Concept artist.
- Build the UI from start to finish.

Shot 20
NBA2K19 – The Main Menu.
Art Producer | UI/UX:
- Restructured the UX for the main menu.
- Created wireframes, UX mocks, and flowcharts to layout the navigation experience.
- Handled outsourcing for 3D environment.
- Assigned concept artist for final looks.
- Collaborated with front-end engineering and built the final UI art for in-game.

Shot 21-13
NBA2K20 – MyPlayer Builder.
Art Producer:
- Created and managed task, priorities, and schedule.
- Communicated with UI Art Director, Engineer producer and designer for looks and design.

Shot 24-25
NBA2K21 – Badge Upgrades.
Art Producer:
- Managed internal team tasks.
- Scouted and onboarded outsource for badge iconography.

Shot 26-27
NBA2K20 – MyPlayer Builder Arena.
Art Producer:
- Provided final court art for arena.

Shot 28-29
NBA2K17 – MyPlayer Appearance.
- Handled complete redesign and restructured of the feature.
- Created UX wireframes, flowcharts, visual design, animatic, and final build of feature.
- Collaborated with engineering for functionality.
- Developed the feature from start to finish.

Shot 30-31
NBA2K17 – Black Market.
- June 14th, 2013 Video Spot.

Shot 32
Nitro – The running app.
- Created UX wireframes and interactive mocks.
- Created branding and visual design for app as well as branding.
- Handled communication with client.
- Created proof of concept animation.

Shot 33
NOD – Chat with Emotion App.
IX | Motion Design:
- Collaborated with design for final looks.
- Created animation for avatar and IX.

Shot 34
Before a Smile – Transition.
UI/UX | Motion Graphics:
- Handled communication with client.
- Created branding for video spot.
- Executed client request from concept to finish.

Shot 35
NBA2K21 – Broadcast and Arena Jumbotron.
Art Producer:
- Handled outsource for 3D logos.
- Managed tasks, priorities and schedules.
- Outsourced Arena strip LED graphics & Jumbotron art.

Shot 36
NBA2K22 – PlayNow Team Select.
Art Producer:
- Outsourced 3D Team logos.
- Managed communication with environment team for end result.
- Handled tasks, priorities, and schedule for feature.

Shot 37
NBA2K22 – The Live Events UI.
Art Producer | UI/UX:
- Handled UI template structures to build final art.
- Managed event schedules, tasks, and priorities.

Shot 38-41
NBA2K22 – The City Map.
Art Producer:
- Worked closely with UI Art Director and outsourced needed art like iconography.
- Handled content communication with departments.

Shot 42-45
NBA2K22 – MyTeam Mode.
Art Producer:
- Handled communication of features between departments.
- Overlooked progress of tasks.